Work in Progress: Space

A Lump of Clay's Reflections on the Potter
"Freely you have received; freely give." Matthew 10:8

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Just when I was writing about clutter, the extraordinary happened.

Three days, one evening, and life suddenly becomes unrecognizable. Magnificently so. Words cannot describe it, although it seems like the words have been pouring forth from me since this all started.

Significantly enough, just when I was starting to drown in clutter.

A cluttered desk. A cluttered car, a cluttered room. Even BC, my retreat away from it all, was building up clutter.

Cluttered self-expression, cluttered writing. A cluttered schedule, a cluttered set of careers. Cluttered relationships. A cluttered mind. A cluttered life.

Then, in one breakthrough moment, Hiroshima happened. It had to take an atom bomb experience to blow all that clutter to smithereens.

And, when the dust had settled...


A beautiful blank canvas to work on. Nothing to cover up or fix or paint over. An infinity of possibilities. A future you choose, a life that is entirely in your own hands. And my Faith still wholly intact, and, praise God!, healthier than it's ever been. Just like I'd been told.

This weekend was all about my favorite things. Conversations. Communication. Integrity. Humanity. Love. LIFE. And, the one thing I never thought I lacked - for how can you really be aware that you have none of it - SPACE.

I love my life; I can say that now. And I'm now living the life I love, the kind of life my Father promised His children - full and abundant. I'm being loved, and finally loving the way He meant me to love, because, after this weekend, I finally GOT IT.

Space. Extraordinary. I'm going to share with you the countless wonderful possibilities I've been creating in that fathomless space, very soon. My life is new, and this blog is, too. For while I am a work in progress in this life, I am already whole, complete, and perfect in my Maker's eyes.

Thanks, Alan, for making that space a possibility for me, and for making that stand.

To God be all the glory. Amen.