Work in Progress: Fool For You

A Lump of Clay's Reflections on the Potter
"Freely you have received; freely give." Matthew 10:8

Monday, September 11, 2006

Fool For You

My good friend and little "sister" (Dr.!) Clairebear introduced me to the expressive songs of Nichole Nordeman when we were together in the worship ministry. Ms. Nordeman's songs are extremely tricky to sing, much less to play, but her music is truly worth listening closely to. One of our favorites is this song I always sing in my head whenever someone I'm eager to talk to about God and the Good News is just as eager to challenge my faith. I no longer engage in "argumentative debates" with non-believers as before, because I now know that faith cannot be argued into anyone - it is purely a mysterious product of God's grace, granted in His own time. But I also pray for the grace that my own faith not be shaken, whenever others start to question it.

In fairness, Clairebear a.k.a. Bubbles actually did sing this song during one prayer meeting. Keri!

Fool For You
By Nichole Nordeman

There are times when faith and common sense do not align,
When hard core evidence of You is hard to find,
And I am silenced in the face of argumenative debate, and
It's a long hill it's a lonely climb.

'Cause they want proof,
They want proof of all these mysteries I claim
'Cause only fools would want to chant a dead man's name
Maybe it's true, yeah but....

I would be a fool for You, all because You asked me to.
A simpleton who's seemingly naive
I do believe, You came and made Yourself a fool for me.

I admit that in my darkest hours I've asked what if,
What if we created some kind of man-made faith like this,
Out of good intention or emotional invention,
And after life is through there will be no You

'Cause they want proof of all these miracles I claim,
'Cause only fools believe that men can walk on waves.
Maybe it's true, yeah but...

I would be a fool for You, all because You asked me to.
A simpleton who's seemingly naive
I do believe, You came and made Yourself a fool for me.

Unaware of popularity, and unconcerned with dignity,
You made me free -
That's proof enough for me.

I would be a fool for You
Only if You asked me to,
A simpleton who's only thinkin' of
Your cause of love
I will speak Jesus' name
If that makes me crazy, they can call me crazed
I'm happy to be seemingly naive, I do believe,
You came and made Yourself a fool for me.