Work in Progress: The Centerpiece

A Lump of Clay's Reflections on the Potter
"Freely you have received; freely give." Matthew 10:8

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

The Centerpiece

My Mom has been big on renovation lately; one of her pet projects is transforming the receiving area of her house into hotel lobby-chic by planting a huge floral centerpiece in the middle of the room.

This got me thinking, just a few minutes ago, about how God wants to be the centerpiece of our lives. How He should be.

Everything else – furniture, other decorations, paintings, the carpet - is built around a big, beautiful centerpiece. We acquire new pieces for the room or the table with the centerpiece foremost in our minds, thus -

Everything should complement the centerpiece; if something we now have does not match or clashes with the centerpiece, get rid of it.

If something distracts your attention from the centerpiece, throw it out. If something does not draw attention to the centerpiece, it draws attention away from it – put it away for good.

And when the centerpiece is truly what and where it was meant to be – central, primary, foremost, and main – people walking into our lives, just like the guests walking into my parents’ house, will first see what is the biggest and the most beautiful in us. Our Centerpiece. :-)

Be blessed, beloved.