Work in Progress: Talk's Not Cheap

A Lump of Clay's Reflections on the Potter
"Freely you have received; freely give." Matthew 10:8

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Talk's Not Cheap

I'm sorry, but I can talk your ear off. Honestly.

Sometimes, especially when I'm on a roll, I just keep going and going and going...take last night, when I outlasted two (considerably younger!) friends in conversation. And over more than a few beers, I should say. Yeah, those who know me well are familiar with my conversational stamina, with or without (preferably with) the alchol boost.

My style is less incessant than impassioned. Don't take my word for it, but as far as I'm familiar with my particular brand of communication, I try to steer far from the inanely trivial (unless it's the kind of trivia that's so inane that it actually becomes interesting or we're so stupidly inebriated that everything is inanely trivial). I'm big on dramatics as well, especially when launching into colorful narratives such as my conversion stories - caution to the shrinking violets and the easily surprised! But I'm also majorly into listening what you have to say -which is probably why I've continued to have so many marvelous conversations with old and new friends, again and again, until the new become "old," over the years. There's nothing quite like a good conversation - no matter how cute or hunky you may be, if you can't hold a decent dialogue, well, sorry very much hehe.

So shut up if you can't put up, and let me waste my saliva on someone more worthy (wait, that sounded a little kinky). I've been blessed to count some incredibly talented conversationalists among my friends, old and new, so in any relationship I should find myself entering into (ahem?), that quality is definitely a primordial consideration. :-)